Created to Create

I don’t know if I’ll take this phrase and run with it and turn it into something big, something effective for others, but oh man, this quote hit me like a ton of bricks when my dear friend, mentor and godly counselor shared this with me:  “LESLIE, YOU WERE CREATED TO CREATE.” I can’t even pinpoint exactly what led us to this phrase in our conversation but it’s been ringing in my ear ever since. Sometimes I’m doubtful about what I’m doing. Am I on the right path? Am I exactly where God wants me to be and is what I’m doing effecting others around me in a good way.

I have to remember that I was created to create. I was given this opportunity by God himself. So I’ll run with it. Even when I have down weeks. Or even months! I have to remember this.

So today I’m just grateful for the people who remind me of this. The friends who encourage me, the connections in this world of design, and industry leaders like Michelle of Sage Wedding Pros who so graciously took me on as a brand specialist on her site–probably my high point of this past month. It just reminds me that everything is ok. I’m on the right track. If I’m doing it to the best of my ability, and using my creativity for others whether in a logo design or a conversation that will leaves a stamp on someone’s heart to ‘keep going!’…then I’m doing good – in every sense of that word.

Will chew on this the rest of the week, I’m sure.

And a big big thank you to Shandon Smith of Lifeprints Photography who took my recent head shots. Love you to pieces, Shandon!


