
 Image by The Hons Photo

Image by The Hons Photo

Sometimes God puts specific voices in you life at a specific time for very clear reasons. And boy am I ever grateful for the two speaking loud and clear to me right now – Shanna Skidmore and Shauna Niequist through her book “Present Over Perfect.” 

I’m fresh out of a very busy and very happy season of life. I married my amazing soulmate just under two weeks ago, had a lovely honeymoon and am now back to the hustle.

Or maybe not.

Yes, the wedding had me a little tired. That’s to be expected. But I was tired long before. My work, my passion was starting to feel more like hustle than fun. And while others embrace the hustle and dream of million dollar companies and fabulous teams of uber talented staff…my heart has always been for simple, effective, quality. I used to be eager to get to my desk and start designing and yet in the midst of some the most beautiful dreams coming true this past year…my business wasn’t feeling so much like a dream anymore. The slow seasons were full of anxiety and the busy seasons were just daunting and full of so many Yes’s that didn’t really belong on my plate. The comparing was through the roof. How am I plateauing when many others in my field are thriving? Something’s gotta give. I yearn for simplicity. I yearn for what is “enough.” Are you ever there with your business? Are you feeling me? 

I don’t know who’s with me in the same season, but I’m finally ready to crawl out of this. I’m not the type to sit back and let things just happen – or not happen. I may be quiet in nature, but I’m a go getter and when I know more can be achieved, I go for it with that “make something happen,” mentality. Sometimes that’s good for me, sometimes it’s not! 

If you’ve never read Shauna’s book, “Present Over Perfect,” …wow. Just wow. It’s like she wrote this book for me. Right down to the aching for simple lake time, the stress induced Vertigo (hand raised, I’m in that vertigo club Shauna!), and that god-awful people pleasing struggle I just can’t seem to shake. What was once my dream job, an easy daily flow has become a hustle with lots of Yes’s and not enough No’s in an effort to “look successful,” or really, just to pay the bills! And I’m determined to take a step back, stop the comparison, limit the Yes’s and thrive at the level that is “enough,” for my business as Shanna Skidmore shares in this video. So timely! And so worth a listen for all business owners who might be hitting that same burnout point. 

I’m so blessed with some of the best clients out there. They are “enough.” My family is enough. That dream of less work hours and more family time – that is enough. Two clients vs. ten clients is enough. And there’s a way to get there. Shanna and Shauna…I’m all ears these days. (Ironic that those two voices sound so similar when they are thousands of miles apart). 

Here’s to “enough.” I may be halfway through this year already, but it’s a clean slate and it’s time to simplify. I can feel the exhale coming. 

