The best web design summer deal of 2023

I’m not kidding. This really is the best summer web design deal out there right now.

Never have I been so excited for what is usually the annual “slow summer.” The moment we put this summer web design deal out there, it just felt right.

Things are NOT slow this year and this is only the beginning.

Katie of Rebel & Rise Co. and I launched the Sun-Kissed Web Site Summer Deal and Elizabeth immediately jumped in.

Guys – THIS is what happens when you dive in and believe in yourself. AND, you know a good deal when you see one.

Here are just some sneak peeks of her homepage design. I am at the edge of my seat for what is to come for her as she builds this empire with the right web presence to carry it!

Just wow.

There’s more where this ccame from and I’m so excited! Snag a spot before they’re gone!

web site homepage design with ocean colors and tropical model in Tulum

Where she was:

She’s literally a woman on a mission to build an empire in the beauty and travel industry. She’s already a creative with an incredible eye. 

She could literally design her own site, BUT as every creative knows…it is almost impossible to design for yourself. So she jumped on the summer web design deal and never looked back.

She has so many dreams, but just didn’t know how to bring it all together. 

I responded to her inquiry and said: “You’re ready for your empire website. Your work and mission needs a home that reflects how amazing you are and that people need you!”

Her words exactly…

“Leslie, I have goosebumps! You had me at “empire!” My eyes started watering! I’m crying! Because this is exactly it. Everything you’re saying is giving me emotions, so I know this is gonna be great. I’m so in it!”

Hurry, this sale ends June 15, 2023. Snag your spot and we’ll be designing in July and August for you!

