A New Season

It’s been quite the interesting past few months. If you’ve shared in my journey or have just seen bits and pieces of where I have been in my career, you’ll know I’ve dabbled in a few avenues of design: weddings, wedding invitations, brand design and for those that didn’t know, magazine design as well! It’s been quite a journey and one that I will never regret. But something feels NEW right now.

In the last two months I have turned 30, walked my baby girl into her big-girl 1st grade class, watched my dear sister-in-law get married and dove into the planning details as if it were my own, helped two dear friends launch their businesses to follow their passions, and came back home to my first love after having spent a year working outside of the home at a magazine (which most of you probably never even knew as I don’t mention it much here-an experience I will always cherish and learned so much from). That moment of ‘coming back home,’ just about 2 weeks ago (it’s fresh ya’ll), is probably the one that hits closest to my heart in the midst of what has probably been one of the busiest summers of my life! I have gained a new and fresh passion for what I do and I knew it was time to give it my full attention. I have designed for over a decade in many avenues, but Leslie Vega Design has always been there. And I feel like this season for Leslie Vega Design brings a whole new meaning to me.  

This season has changed my ‘work’ into something deeper. It is a realization that I have been equipped for big things. Not just beautiful brands, but encouragement and inspiration for those around me. It’s been a pretty heavy two years in my life and while the details of that experience await their time to be shared, if ever, I can honestly say, I have stepped into a place in my life where the important things have taken their rightful place: right in the center. I can’t say I know fully yet what God used those two years to mold me for, but I do know that greater things are coming and this fine-tuning didn’t happen in vain. And of course, the fine-tuning continues…and I’m ok with that. Surprisingly ok.

So here I am, fully immersed in designing beautiful brands for clients across the world, but with a whole new perspective. I don’t just want to send someone a proof in hopes of getting that rewarding email of utter excitement at the results, but I want to send reminders that your dormant dream is actually possible and all it takes is believing and just doing it. And if that starts with my little preview of your brand that I poured my heart into, then so be it!

I want to share my journey; where I went wrong and where I went amazingly right by the grace of God! I have a new desire to really use this blog for big things. To connect with women who have taken on this creative business world in the right mindset, like the precious Lara Casey who probably has no idea how much of an inspiration she has been to me as a creative, unashamed child of God, wife, mother and business guru, and of course lover of pretty things like me!

I want to share what’s it’s like to put it all in the right order: God, my marriage, my precious children (Nadia, 6 & Xavier, 1), my calling and then work. Because when I put it out of order, that last one doesn’t seem to work too well…and in the end, that effects you! lol That list may seem cliche or even foreign to many who read this, but no one can deny me of my experiences and why time and again, that paradigm is proven right.

So I hope this gives you a little glimpse of where I am these days. Where my heart is and where I want to go. It’s been quite a ride…but it’s only just beginning! Here’s to 30 and big big things…and beautiful, inspiring design of course!


  1. Connie Chaffin says:

    Good for you Leslie. God always has ways to help you put priorities in order. His order. I’m praying your future is saturated with God’s love for you and those dreams he’s given to you. God bless

  2. Allison Raber says:

    Beautifully written and so refreshing to read. Sincerely wishing you the utmost in luck and blessings. 🙂

  3. sandra says:

    Thank you for sharing this with me. It is words like these in perfect timing that keep me on track and feeling blessed.

  4. Shawn Marie Ravazzano says:

    Great post! I feel very thankful to have found you and so happy that you’ve taken our brand to such a beautiful place. Keep up the good work!

  5. Helen Brown says:

    God’s Blessings on all your enterprises. As long as you keep your priorities right he will continue to Bless and keep you and all of yours. Such amazing talent Leslie.

  6. Asha says:

    Wonderfully expressed!! I’ve long been a fan of your work and I was wondering where you went 🙂

  7. Melissa DiStefano says:

    I miss you! We have so very much to catch up on, lunch soon? Coffee?