Love + Water Photography

Last week I shared Shawn and her husband Adam’s exciting announcement of their new venture together bringing their arts together! And I love that I get to share the whole design journey here.

Shawn was a past client of mine from the land down under–one of the sweetest clients I’ve ever had! It was a thrill to put together her original brand design for Sabra Creative Photography as we juggled our different time zones millions of miles away. Now, Shawn and Adam have decided to bring her wedding photography and his art and surf photography together to form Love & Water Photography

I think it’s genius, and the visions and dreams they have for this perfect marriage (no pun intended! lol)  are pretty amazing. I can’t wait to see it all continue to come to life as they bring it to the United States upon their move from Australia.

We started with her uh-mazing mood board inspired by none other than: water. I loved the gorgeous colors that came from the images of the ocean.  



We explored some logos until we found the winner! 

The final results of her brand. Perfect with subtle touches of color from the soft pink of a sunset to the naturals of sand.  

Thank you so much to Shawn and Adam for letting me play a role in your new venture!

Don’t forget to check out their breathtaking work at


  1. You’re amazing at what you do Mrs. Vega! I hope to meet you in person one day soon!! Thank you again for everything and bringing our brand to life!!

  2. Carissa says:

    Your work is fantastic Leslie ! And shawn and Adam … Whoooo hoooo ! Well done. Freakin awesome!

  3. Kate says:

    This is so beautiul, I can’t wait to work with you.
