Ashley McCormick Photography Packaging

I have so many new breathtaking brands to share that have been in the works…but first, I just couldn’t help but share this packaging inspiration! And it comes at a great time as Custom Packaging Concepts have actually been added to the services list at Leslie Vega Design recently! (Don’t worry, you’ll see them listed on the site very soon, as more new services are coming to the list as well).

But in honor of this new service, I just had to share a taste of what’s to come. Ashley McCormick is one of those clients who just knows how to execute the brand I designed for her. I’m constantly seeing her share new pieces and ideas that are a perfect execution of the vision I always had for her brand. You have no idea how much of a treat that is for a brand designer. And her latest packaging is the perfect example.


Ok, now we can pick up our jaws off floor and continue…

If you are thoroughly inspired now, and who wouldn’t be?!…Please don’t hesitate to ask how we can make this packaging amazingness happen for you.

Thank you Ashley, for always being a great source of inspiration for your own designer!


  1. Katherine Izaguirre says:

    Lovely as always!

  2. Camarie says:

    That box is stunning! I would like to create something similar! How much/where can I get that flip box???