The Wild Bloom Studio

So this is the latest baby. I can’t stop staring at it. This is what happens when a client lets you run with a design! This brand is still in the oven but when it debuts, I’m just sure Meghan’s web presence is going to blow up the world wide web!

Meghan is owner of Macaskill Photography and is in the middle of a whole new revamp and I can’t wait to see it come to life for her! I have so much respect for business owners who take the plunge for freshness and put it in the hands of a designer to see it blossom, or in this case – bloom! Stay tuned for more! 



  1. Meghan says:

    I love my new branding so much Leslie! I launched my rebrand a few months ago and everyone raves about the new logo and look. Thanks for seeing my vision and creating what I could not. I am already saving up for a website overhaul with you!

  2. Leslie Vega says:

    Awe Meghan, that’s great news! I’m so glad you’re getting great reviews! Can’t wait to bring it to life on your web site as well! That will be so so fun!