The Re-Brand Begins

So, while it feels like I’ve done millions of these for clients, it’s finally my turn to give it a go – the real way!

As a creative, of course I’ve always wanted to play with my brand, but honestly my work for my clients comes first. Sometimes that means, my brand has to take the back seat. And that’s ok. 

But to celebrate my 10 years in business, it’s time to go through every step I take with my own clients! 

I bet you didn’t think I’d be starting with some mood boards! Usually the mood board comes after the logo. BUT this journey has me split in so many directions!

So let’s get to the nitty gritty of what I’m made of:
My target client: She’s creative, a dreamer. She finds therapy in her art. She enjoys a day of antique shopping or a night in with her closest gal or love. Her home is filled with neutrals and botanicals and the random modern touch. She’s tidy, enjoys conversations about life and how our souls work. Her guilty pleasures: a hot latte, alone time, anything Magnolia, and a guilty dose of The Bachelor.

…that’s just the cliff notes of what a Questionnaire for a client would look like.

If you’ve known me a long time, maybe you can pinpoint the real Leslie here! So have at it…scroll down and chime in on your vote in the comments section for the right mood board and logo.

Isn’t it fun to have a say? 

Can’t wait to bring this all to life.


Mood Board A

Mood Board B

Logo Options



  1. Courtney says:

    They are both fabulous!!!! I love A (so romantic) but B has a little more of a sleek, modern, statement look. with a splash of elegance.
    Logo A, B, C, F are lovely! Honestly, I’m a fan of it all but E/D are not the strongest.
    My goodness, I think you need sub-brands so you can use everything 🙂
    Seriously though this is tough because they are terrific. I just went through a rebrand launching any day now. That said I printed everything and taped it to our apartment so I could see how they made me feel for like a week= I know call me crazy but it helped.

    Congratulates I can’t wait to see what you go with!!!!!!

  2. Amy Sims says:

    All gorgeous! Mood Board A and Logo F seem like updated versions of your current brand. Mood Board B and Logos A & E seem like a more modern, slightly different approach – I definitely see Magnolia influences in these. I do love me some Joanna Gaines! I personally like Mood Board B & Logos A & E best.

  3. Ingrid says:

    A and E are favorites!

  4. Leslie Vega says:

    I think you’re always feelin’ my vibe girl.

  5. Leslie Vega says:

    Thank you Amy! Man such a tough decision! But lovin’ your input. Makes so much sense!

  6. Leslie Vega says:

    Oh goodness…that’s brilliant, Courtney! I’m totally printing these and staring at them for a little while. It’s so funny, I’ve always leaned towards romantic and just can’t seem to get away from that pink!
    But in all honesty…
    B is what I WANT to be, so it’s funny that you added the "but" for B there. Board B is like my brand crush, but it’s so tricky to decide between what you’ve always been and what you think you might try to be. Chewing + printing over here! Thank you for your input dear!

  7. Amanda says:

    A for the mood board….f for the logo!

  8. Jenna says:

    These are all amazing! If I had to choose, A, E, or F. Can’t choose just one – ha!

  9. Leslie Vega says:

    Jenna! Thank you so much for chiming in! Man, it really is a tough decision! And you are actually leaning towards the ones I’m leaning towards!! The final choice will be revealed after my branding photo session in March. Can’t wait! 🙂