Brand identity pricing for designers in 2023

Coffee cup with logo design and mood board paper

The common rule for brand identity pricing for designers

You hear the debate all the time. “Should I show my prices for my brand identity design packages on my website or leave them out? ” And “If I leave the prices out, does this mean I’ll spend hours on sales calls with prospects that can’t afford me?” All very valid questions when you’re exploring brand identity pricing for designers like you.

In my 15 years as a brand designer, I’ve teeter-tottered on this. I’ve played so much trial and error. I’ve done both. But something is shifting in 2023.

What’s affecting brand identity pricing for designers now?

• For starters, the pandemic hit everyone hard. The majority of small business owners are still coming up for air. So most might want to start small right now. That doesn’t mean you can’t work with them.

• The economy is also affecting buying confidence. Learn how to share your value and expertise verbally so they’re confident in choosing you. I actually offer word-for-word script guides for this in my course for brand designers.

• Those that aren’t struggling want quality. They’ve done their time and they need their investments to be high-level service.

That’s just a taste of how they’re making buying decisions these days.

So here’s how I’m meeting brand design clients where they’re at:

I took my prices off my website.

If you lock them into a range, they’ll never even get on the phone with you.

*SEO tip: Just having a successful form submission on your website helps your SEO. Don’t give them a reason to walk away from that form submission! Even if they never book you, they’re boosting your chances of allowng the right clients to find you.

I get them on the phone.

Just feeling heard makes someone want to hire you.

Listen to their story. Find out their budget. Respect the budget. Offer what you can give within their budget while respecting your own time.

When they hear you respect your own boundaries, then they know they’re working with someone who knows what they’re doing.

*True client story:
On one of my recent discovery calls, I stuck to my guns and told them, “If you only have $500, I can only give you a starter logo that can help you get on your feet.”

So, I sent a proposal showing that starter logo and a second package option that gave her even more if she was willing to pay a little more.

She purchased the larger package immediately.

She then admitted, “The fact that you politely stuck to your guns and then shared what a larger package could do for me shows me you respect your own art. That made me want to hire you to get exactly what I didn’t realize I needed.

That said, the key magic right now is: Give less for more.

I know, that sounds a bit shady. But hear me out. If you’ve been at this for a long time, then you are good at what you do! So even a small logo design is worth so much more than the average designer. Give them that logo at your minimum rate and don’t add anything else to your plate at that price!

Work less, charge well and deliver what they need.

For example: that $1,000 logo package that you’re throwing in a color platte and fonts as well. Stop doing that. Do the logo. And if they want more, it will cost more.

So in essence, it’s a “work smarter, not harder” rule of thumb.

Honor their budget. But honor your time as well.

Bonus tip for designers:

Are you kind of lost on the actual numbers for brand identity pricing for designers? Grab the Designer’s Guide to Pricing Your Brand Design Packages from my shop and get some insight on how to price your services!

Booklet layout design for guide to brand identity pricing for designers

